Selasa, 24 Maret 2020


                         Procedure Text.

Ingredients :

8 cm of ginger
2 tbs of sugar
300 ml of water


1. Wash the ginger.

2. Burn the ginger on the stove. 

3. Peel the ginger skin.

4. Break the ginger until it little bit wreck

5. Now, boil the water.

6. After boiled, pour the water into the glass that already we put the ginger inside.

7. Add some sugar and stir it well.

8. Wedang Jahe ready to serve.

Explanation text.

  Lately, the weather is really not friendly. And we also messed around because of Corona Virus. Basically from doctor suggestion, around this virus we had to protect our body and increase our immunity we have to drink something that have many benefit for our health. There are so many food and drinks that can we make for our health. One of it is traditonal drink named Wedang Jahe. 

  Make wedang jahe it's not hard. Firstly, you must wash a ginger. Then, you have to burn that ginger so it can peeled easyly. After burned you can peel it with knife. Break the peeled ginger but dont too harsh. Then, we must boil some water. After the water had boiled, pour that water into the glass that already put in the ginger. Add some sugar as much as you want. But, dont add too much. After added some sugar, stir it well. Thats all the steps. So easy right? You can make it by yourself. 
Diffrences between explanation text and procedure text :

Procedure Text
This text type is commonly called as instruction text. It uses pattern of commend in building the structure. It use the “to infinitive verb” which is omitted the “to”. It is a kind of instruction text which uses full commend verb. Procedure is commonly used to describe how to make something which is close to our daily activity. 
Explanation Text
It is commonly used the passive voice in building the text. Explanation is such a scientific written material. It describes how certain phenomenon or event happen. 

Kamis, 19 Maret 2020

Rewrite into passive.

We can use vegetative propagation by cuttings (softwood and hardwood) and micropropagation, to grow pomegranate trees which produce fruit idential to the parental tree.

We can propagate pomegranates using both softwood or hardwoods cuttings, but we most commonly use hardwood cuttings commercially. We take softwood cuttings from wood late in the season and they require mist and greenhouse conditions for rooting to occur. In contrast, we take hardwood cuttings from one year old wood or suckers, then trim and place them directly onto the nursery floor, where they grow for one year prior to being transplanted with bare roots. Planting unrooted cuttings into the orchard floor establishes other pomegranate orchards, but we can also propagate under mist. Air layering parent plants and transplanting suckers are also effective methods of propagation.


Vegetative propagation can be used by cuttings (softwood and hardwood) and micropropagation, which fruit identical is produced to the parental tree to grown new pomegranate trees.

Pomegranate can be propagated using both softwood or hardwood cuttings, but hardwood cuttings is most commonly used commercially by us. Softwood cuttings are taken by us from wood late in the season and mist and greenhouse conditions are required by them for rooting to occur. In contrast, hardwood cuttings are taken by us from one year old, wood or suckers then they are trimmed and placed directly onto the nursery floor. Where they grow for one year prior to being transplanted with bare roots. Planting unrooted   cuttings into the orchard floor establishes other pomegranate orchards, but we can also propagate under mist. Air layering parent plants and transplanting suckers are also effective methods of propagation.

Rabu, 18 Maret 2020

Change into passive voice

1. I had read the novel
- The novel had been read by me
2. I could not wait to watch the movie
-The movie could not be waited to be watched by me
3. I found out that the cast of dilan 1991
- The cast of Dilan 1991 are found out by me
4. I would not miss this chance to meet my idol, Iqbaal
- This chance wouldnt be missed to meet my idol, Iqbaal by me
5. Mostly teenagers, attended the event
-The event is attended by mostly teenagers
6. My friends and I took the seats at the front row
- The seats at the front row was took by us
7. We kept enthusiastic to meet our idol
To meet our idol, we continue to be enthusiastic
8. All of us cheered their names
- Their name was cheered by us
9. I could meet my idol
My idol could be met by me
10. The cast describe the movie briefly
 The movie was described briefly by the cast 
11. I raised my hand
- My hand was raised by me 
12. He developed his character as Dilan
His character as a Dilan was developed by him